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Journal of the Society of Basque Studies in America
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Vol. 8 (1988)- - 1988-
Fresno: Society of Basque Studies in America
Antropología cultural y social, Historia

Sumarios disponibles

2007     Vol. 27

70 Years of "shock and awe" : The 1937 Air Raid on the Basque City of Guernica Ushered In the Modern Concept of Total War

Mark Kurlansky

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"Guernica" at seventy: Picasso, and Politics and Process

Bea Zengoititabengoa

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A review of theoretical approaches to identity: The Basque case

Dr. Pedro J. Oiarzabal

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Did someone say (Post) nationalism: Notes on Joseba Gabilondo's Remnants, Sands, and Sediments of the Nation and Diasporic Hyphenated Identities

Imanol Galfarsoro

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Uncovering Basques in Canada

David Malakoff

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Etxekoandreak: Basque women and their boarding houses

Paquita Garatea

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Olerki txokoa = Poetry corner:

Erori = Fell
\ Zure = Your
\ Barkardearen Hiriburu = Capital of Loneliness
\ Kukua = The Cuckoo

Aitziber Renteria Agirre, Kirmen Uribe, Aitziber (itz.) Renteria Agirre, Elizabeth (itz.) Macklin

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2006     Vol. 26

"We were not tramp sheepmen". The Oregon Basque Community & the Taylor Grazing Act, 1890-1945

Kevin D. Hatfield

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Basque-Americans in the USA: The effect of the critical incident on language attitudes

David Lasagabaster

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"The song in the blood": Violence and the Body Politic in Ramon Saizarbitoria's Ehun metro

David Laraway

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On the road to Santiago de Compostela: Basque Country in Pilgrim Description

Agnieszka Gutthy

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The forgotten basque benedictines of sacred heart abbey, Oklahoma

Mitch Gariador

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The basque language

Louis Charpentier

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Whrn a groove becomes a book

John P. Bieter

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Basque halla of fame: Biographies of Inductees

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Benefactors, 2006

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2005     Vol. 25

Lancre in Labourd : An Analysis of the 1609 Witch Hunt in the Basque Country

Casey Nevitt

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Gazte amerikanuak : Ancestry, Education, Occupation and Family Among Basque Club Youth in the Western United States

Catherine M. Petrissans

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Basques of Boise : Adult Dietary Culture and Tradition

Colleen R. Asumendi Fillmore

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Herriko / Herrian : A Theoretical Approach to Basque Nationalism, 1892-1932

Philippe Duhart

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The origins of Spanish and Basque anthropology

Gotzone Garay

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La Passionara : The Life and Times of Dolores Ibarruri

Justin Joseph Doyaga

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Euskaldunak mundu berrian : A brief chronology of Basque involvement in the Exploration and Development of the New World

Steve Bass

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Basque hall of fame : Biographies of Inductees

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Benefactors, 2005

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2004     Vol. 24


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Basque assimilation across four generations: Experiences in a Rural Community

Megan Oslon DeMontigny, Janet Kelly Moen

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Euskal Herria in the European Union: On the Reception of Basque Literature in Europe

Agnieszka Gutthy

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Bilbao´s quest for local globalism: Towards an Alternative Approach to Bilbao´s Urban Renewal

Pedro J. Oiarzabal

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Euskaldun gasteak munduan: A Comparison of Basque Youth in the United States and Basque Autonomous Region

Catherine Marie Petrissans

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Recent changes in the territorial behavior of the basque population

Begona Egia, Juan Ramon Murua

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How the basque lexicon accommodated cultural change

Robert Bently Price

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Basque Hall of Fame

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Biographies of Inductees

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Benefactors, 2004

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2003     Vol. 23


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Aurrera goaz: Zelan eta zergaitik? How and Why Should Basque Culture Go Forward?

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Narrative Exile: Absence and Desire in Anjel Lertxundi´s Un final Para Nora

Linda White

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Reconstructing Basque Youth Political Violence From Mass Media Discourses

Pedro Oiarzabal

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Basque-American Youth Survey Results: World Congress of Basque Communities United States Report

Catherine M. Petrissans

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Basque in Louisiana

Michel-Antoine Goitia Nicolas

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Basque hall of fame: Biographies of Inductees

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Benefactors, 2003

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2002     Vol. 22


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Yakin: The Genesis of a Clandestine Magazine

Inaki Bastarika

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Returning to udaleku: Retention, Friendship, Basque Identity and Pride One Year Later

Catherine Petrissans

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Promoting a minority language in school? Is teaching Basque Enough to Maintain it?

Estibaliz Amorrortu

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What is Basque Cuisine? A Culinary History

Marcelino Ugalde

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Cover Story

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Besta Berri: Poetrrpus Christi Celebrations

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Basque Hall of Fame

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Biographies of Inductees

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Benefactors, 2002

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2001     Vol. 21

Udaleku 2001: Basque Culture Summer Camp

Catherine Petrissans

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Identity, Hisstory and Ethnicity Trough Basque Surnames

Marcelino Ugalde

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The Fronton: A Basque Legacy in Tropical North Queensland

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui, Barbara Debono

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Inscribing the Other: Orientalism and the Textual Construction of Basque in Anglophone Travel Literature

Lisa Corcostegui

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The Basque Country and the Vikings During the Ninth Century

Sara María Pons Sanz

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Visitor´s Reflections: How Green Was My Valley & the Basque American

Pello Salaburu

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Basque Hall Of Fame, 1st -20th annual

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Mark Kurlansky: 21st Annual Basque Hall of Fame Inductee

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Benefactors, 2001

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2000     Vol. 20

Basques in the digital age

Blas Uberuaga

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What is the center of Basque studies? A New Name and new direction for a new era

Pello Sallaburu

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Choosing to belong: A Basque-American Analysis

Catherine Petrissans

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Travel in The Basque Country. Discovering this corner of Europe

Christina Zarobe

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Bilbao: Reinventing a City

Izaskun Etxaniz

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Mark Kurlansky´s a Basque History of The World

Emilia Doyaga

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Is American Basque a Unified Variety? Structural Changes in the Basque of Elko, Nevada

Estibaliz Amorrortu

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Basque Hall Of Fame, 1st - 18th annual

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19th Annual Basque Hall Of Fame, 1999

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20th Annual Basque Hall Of Fame Inductees, 2000

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Benefactors, 2000

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1999     Vol. 19

Bilingual Education in the Basque Country

Felix Etxeberria Balerdi

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Atxaga´s >v>Lone Woman>/v> and Mintegi´s >v>Nerea eta biok>/v>: Two Different Views of the Female Basque Political Prisioner

Linda White

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An Interview with William Douglass on Robert Laxalt and his work

David Rio

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La Diversidad Ambiental de un Pequeño País

Eugenio Ruiz Urrestarazu

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The Commmodification of Culture and the Eclipse of The Basque Ethnic Boarding House

Jerinoma Echeverria

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Hall Of Fame

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1998     Vol. 18

The Society´s 1998 Trainera Proyect

Emilia Doyaga

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Echoes and Mirrors: Tricks for Teaching the Basque Verb to English Speakers

Linda White

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Who´s Afraid of Evil?: Robert Laxalt´s A Man in the Wheatfield

David Rio

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Democracy´s Other Roots

Curtis Eastin

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Freedom for Euzkadi: ETA´s role in Basque Nationalism

Scott Holloway

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Hall Of Fame

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1997     Vol. 17

In Memorium - Ignacio Galbís y Rigol

M. Ana Galbís-McMahon

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Converging Nationalisms in the Basque Country: A Political Analysis of an Economic Elite

Nigel R. Parton

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The Family and the Individual in Robert Laxalt´s Basque Trilogy

David Rio

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Intertextual Elements in Julio Medem´s Vacas: The Portrayal of a Rural Setting in a Postmodern Context

Javi Cilero Goiriastuena

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Hall Of Fame

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1996     Vol. 16

The Miraculous Blend: An Interview with Monique Urza

David Rio

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Presencia Vasca en la Arquitectura Novohispana

Amaya Garritz

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Meanders With Mari: From The Cave Of The Goddess To The Poet´s Moon

Valerie J. Serpa

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Viscaínos, Jesuits and Álvarez Tuñón: An Ethnic View of a Frontier Controversy

Donal Garate

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A Reluctant Pioneer in Mexico´s Northern Frontier: Felipe Antonio de Goicoechea during Santa Barbara´s Early Presidio Days

Jeronima Echeverria

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Bernardo Atxaga

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Hall Of Fame

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